Principal's Welcome
We are extremely proud of the St Anne’s School community where our students flourish in an environment of mutual respect.
St Anne’s School embraces a catholic philosophy reflected in all aspects of our student’s learning. We have a close and supportive relationship with our Sacred Heart Parish, led by Father Martin Cruickshank. Our School provides a foundation built on faith, relevant to the world in which our students live. At St Anne’s we value the individual within a community of supportive and positive relationships.
Our school of approximately 360 students is two streamed with a team of dedicated teachers. Our staff are professional, collaborative and promote effective practices based on professional learning. We value the child as a whole and prepare them with self-belief and confidence to be great citizens in the wider community. We are proud to provide inclusive, child centred learning practices, individualised to each student. St Anne’s has a culture of high expectations with a clear focus on relationships and academics.
The safe and welcoming environment of St Anne’s is designed to support the 21st century learner. Our classrooms are vibrant and well-resourced. At St Anne’s we value and actively support close partnerships with parents, who are encouraged to be involved in their child’s learning.
We embrace technology as a tool to engage, extend and build independence. Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 have access to multiple devices and all students in Years 3-6 are provided with an individual school device (Chromebooks) to access and support their learning. At St. Anne’s we creatively and effectively utilise technology in our learning to achieve the best outcomes for our students.
Come and join our child-centred and enthusiastic community.
Keep Smiling,
Bede Hart, Principal

Our Vision and Mission Statement
Our Vision
We believe that St Anne’s School is a faith community within the Sacred Heart Parish where:
- Individuals are valued with Jesus as their model and guide;
- Gospel values are fostered and developed within the mission of the Catholic Church;
- The potential of each child is recognised and developed in the spirit of love and truth;
- All members of the School Community are challenged to uphold Christian ideals within our society.
Our Mission as a Community of Faith
As a Community of Faith we at St Anne’s believe we will:
- Allow students to develop their relationship with God through our Religious Education Program and Liturgical celebrations:
- Participate in the Sacramental Life of the Church linking school, parish and family;
- Provide and plan opportunities to worship and pray together;
- Respect and acknowledge multi-faith and multi-cultural traditions in spirituality;
- Model Gospel values by demonstrating empathy, forgiveness and care for all.
Our Mission as a Community of Learning
As a Community of Learning we at St Anne’s will:
- Provide an environment conducive to learning;
- Seek ways to provide the best learning and teaching experiences which are challenging and relevant and develop life-long learners;
- Focus on promoting a reflective and creative thinking culture;
- Promote and establish an atmosphere where all are affirmed, encouraged and supported in their learning and teaching;
- Establish collaborative and peer learning styles;
- Develop an educational process so that personal values and social responsibilities are emphasised.
Our Mission as a Community of Care
At St Anne’s School we believe we are a Community of Care by:
- Providing a secure, safe environment in which students, staff and parents are treated with respect and dignity;
- Making all feel welcome and where hospitality is extended;
- Leading all to appreciate and care for themselves, others and the Earth;
- Ensuring that pastoral care is paramount to promoting a quality of life.
Our Mission as a Community of Service
As a Community of Service we at St Anne’s will:
- Provide activities involving service and which address issues of social justice;
- Strengthen our links with our Parish and wider community agencies;
- Challenge each other to pursue a more wholesome way of living;
- Become actively involved in addressing social concerns.
Our Mission as a Community of Stewardship
As a Community of Stewardship we at St Anne’s will:
- Be conscious of our responsibilities as Christians and reach out to those in need in a practical way;
- Be sensitive to the needs of students, their families, the staff;
- Model Gospel values by demonstrating empathy, forgiveness and care for all.